Friday 25 October 2013

Double-stranded DNA free ends

                    This article discuss about problems with free DNA ends in eukaryotic cells. Free reactive DNA ends are caused by double-strand DNA breaks (DSB) which results in the development of various mechanisms to ensure that free DNA ends are non-reactive. DSB is a chemically modified process and is considered very toxemic to the cell and genetic materials. It can generate free ends DNA that has to be repaired. Free end DNA can be very dangerous to the eukaryotic organism. Recombination-base mechanism is a mechanism that generates region of homology pairs during meiosis and mitosis. This may result in translocation and deletion of DNA and could lead genome instability when DNA fails to repair itself, or several x-linked disease such as the Turner's syndrome that is related to the non-allelic homologous combination and random arrangement of the X-chromosome from female. Free end DNA relates to x-linked diseases because DNA is engaged in the homologous recombinant with X chromosome in female during meiosis. This provides more possibility for mispairing recombination. (image: Structure of DSB) 

                    The double-stand DNA breaks (DSB) occur during the process of DNA replication when the phosphodiester backbone of both strands of the same DNA helix is broken and is separated. Though DSB may lead to genetic diseases because it is the cause of alteration of the DNA structure and generate free DNA ends, its occurrence is required throughout the cell cycle. Free DNA ends are "unprotected DNA" that should remain inactive. If the fragment is reactive, it will intact with other DNA ends. This is call the genomic fusion, which could lead to genomic instability from the breakdown of one eukaryotic chromosome to long term effects such as inherited diseases or somatic origin diseases such as cancer or syndromes. The risk for genomic instability, thus, can be trigger from recombinant mechanisms. Therefore it is difficult to cease the unprotected DNA from activating or keep free-ends non-reactive because scientists cannot control the repairing process of DNA free end and the presence of DSB is required in the cell cycle.

                    The article also talks about factors that may increase or lower the rate of occurrence of DSB. Ionizing radiation and radiomimetic chemicals such short-wavelength UV are chemical factors that increase the rate of occurrence of DSB. Meiotic and mitotic recombination is the only mechanisms that can generate genetic diversity and requires DSB. Recombination of non-sister chromatids in prophase I of meiosis create a largest variability of unique allelic combination. Both chromosomes in meiosis are allelic homologous despite the DNA sequence. Non-allelic homologous combination (NAHR), in the other hand is a recombination between chromosomes that share the same region but at a different locus. It happens between DNA sequences where there is an excess amount of high sequence homology pairs. This occurs less frequent, though it is responsible as a cause for inherited diseases and cancer. Both types for recombination, allelic and non-allelic may cause rearrangement of genome fragments. From exchanging genetic materials of sister chromatids during mitosis or meiosis allow genetic variability, however excess sister chromatid exchange can defect in the DNA regarding the production of proteins, leading to diseases such the Turner's syndrome.

                    Turner syndrome is one possible result of DSB and DNA recombination. The Turner syndrome, or 45(XO) is a phenotype of females that have monosomy X. This means that they only have one X-chromosome instead of two in their genome (45 chromosomes in total). Individuals with Turner’s syndrome are usually short, have broad chest, low-set ears and does not menstruate. It has been found that there is a cluster of inverts repeated sequences in the X chromosome, which is a result from rearrangement from non-allelic homologous recombination.

                    To conclude, the double-strand DNA breaks (DSB) is considered a dangerous process of the DNA replication because one prime side (either 3' or 5') is left free and unprotected. If free-ended DNA is activating, it will interact and intact with other DNA ends. This will result in the genomic fusion and may lead to serious consequences such inherited (syndrome) or somatic origin diseases (cancer). Therefore, DNA repair mechanism is required to repair DNA ends. It's goal is to maintain the balance of genome stability and genome variability to cease possible mutations of the cell. However, DNA repair mechanism can be harmful as well since there are various types of mechanisms (i.e. recombinant vs. non recombinant) which could lead to unique combination of both somatic and sex cell, and result in inherited and/or somatic diseases as well.

Word Count: 740

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